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September 2007 - Back in spring we threw the idea of a new electronic newsletter out there that would provide information and coverage about Southern California riding and motorcycle-related events. After speaking to our industry partners, at both the OEM and retail levels, we decided that once-every-eight-weeks was not going to cut it. So we've re-imaged (a hip Hollywood terms used when you keep the good parts of a older show and replace the no so good bits with good stuff) to a DAILY BLOG.


Unless you're in a cave or on a deserted island, a BLOG provides daily coverage and opinion on several possible topics. Luckily for you, our BLOG will remain motorcycle based.


The BLOG will inform you of our fun in the industry, give you stories about folks out enjoying their motorcycles in the great state of California and we’ll alert you to upcoming rides, tell you about the dealers out there who ride and care about the sport, not just the buck. And we’ll share technical tips and riding information that you can use to stay on the road or the trail just having fun.


You, the reader, will also get a chance to share your ideas and comments in direct reply to the BLOG entries. Plus, we’re looking for other contributions and ideas for the BLOG.


CLICK HERE to submit your RIDIN' TIMES BLOG story ideas...



You love to ride.      Why?      You have your reasons.    Everyone has their own list:  The feeling of freedom, you can see everything, the sensation of flying and, of course, bench racing with buddies after the fact.


But there's just something about riding motorcycles that does it for YOU.


SO if you could design the perfect ride--a ride you could invite your buddies and/or your significant-other to go on, what would it be?  A weekend trip up the coast on a cruiser?  A rough-and-tumble Dual Sport ride in the wilds of the Sierra Nevada mountains? 


You have a huge canvas to work with here:  What kind of bike?  What kind of friends?  What kind of terrain?  What time-frame?  What kind of ride?


And life IS like a box of chocolates:  you don't want just one!  Create as many fantasy rides as you would like to fulfill your specific preferences.  Get creative!  Be specific! 


The WINNER will be given a free entry in the First Fantasy Ride sponsored by RIDIN’ TIMES.  Each separate fantasy will count as one entry.  In the event your idea is substantially the same as another person's entry and we think it's a winner, the entry with the earliest date/time stamp (email only please!) will be awarded the prize.


Here the rules, gang:

  • It must be a group type ride, something we can share with a segment of the motorcycle world.  Make it something you'd be proud to invite someone to.
  • Describe what kind of motorcycles would be qualified - sport bikes, cruisers, Dual Sport, dirt only; all motorcycles.
  • Give us a time-frame:  A day ride with no stop-over; a weekend ride with a Saturday night stay; a week riding rough; a week tour with your significant-other with hotel stays prearranged?
  • Be specific:  Where, specifically, do you want to go?   When?  Give the "who, what, where, when and why" of your riding fantasy.

If your entry contains something that sounds particularly good, just so you know, we're going to feel free to use your words and thoughts (we'll give you credit for saying it) even if you don't win the contest.  You won't get anything for this except knowing we thought you said something well enough to get into a future entry of the RIDIN’ TIMES BLOG.  


Visit the RIDIN' TIMES BLOG daily!

IRS Media - We put our minds into the powersports industry